
Be courteous to non-playing park guests.

No running. Do not move faster than local conditions allow.  Many areas of Disney theme parks are very dark, please move about the park/resort with caution.

No external lighting. (including the flashlight on cellphones).

No cutting through rides or theaters Once teams enter an attraction queue or theater, they must sit through the entire show and continue as normal through to the exit.

Follow all cast member instructions at all times. If cast members are directing guests in a specific direction, do not attempt to circumvent these instructions.

No asking Cast Members for assistance. This includes at City Hall.

No receiving physical assistance from someone not on your registered team. If asked to collect something, teams must physically collect those items. The only exception is that teams may ask a park guest to take a photo as necessary to complete a task.

No interfering with the completion of a task. Do not hide, move or remove clues or event elements.


Unlike some Third Gate Games events the following behaviors are ALLOWED during this event:

Use of any and all technology is permitted.

Use of any personal reference materials. Books found in Disneyland stores may be used, but ONLY AFTER they are purchased.

Calling / texting / e-mailing a friend for assistance. Please no posting of any game materials or questions to social media during the game.

Splitting up is allowed. Be aware that some challenges require team members to be together.